An Autoethnographic Study of Co-Creating a Script with Artificial Intelligence Whilst Walking Through Pere Lachaise Commentary (72018)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type:Virtual Presentation

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An Autoethnographic study of co-creating script with Artificial Intelligence whilst walking through Pere Lachaise Commentary Throughout this paper, an autoethnographic approach is used to investigate the potential for creative dialogue resulting from walking in Paris and interacting with artificial intelligence (AI) for scriptwriting. The focus is on creating a Jewish romantic comedy short film called ‘Finding Samual Beckett’ co-written with an AI system during a series of walks through Pere Lachaise cemetery. The AI creates dialogue and action for the female character, while the author provides the action and words of the male character. The narrative structure is co-generated. The paper documents the walking experience, AI-generated text, writer reactions, and the impact of the autoethnographic approach on the research process through audio, photos, a journal, and an AI map of the walking route. Initial testing shows that the AI-generated text sparks new ideas, enriches the plot, and generates unexpected twists. The autoethnographic approach helps the author reflect on their experience and develop a deeper understanding of the creative process. Additionally, the walking experience enables the author to connect with their environment, engage in conversation, and document their thoughts, resulting in a more collaborative and inclusive creative process. The paper provides valuable insights into the integration of AI in the creative process and highlights the importance of embodied experiences and autoethnographic approaches in enhancing creativity. This study contributes to a better understanding of AI in the creative industries and how technology shapes and mediates our creative experiences of the world.

Timi O’Neill, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom

About the Presenter(s)
Mr Timi O'Neill is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at UWTSD in United Kingdom

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00