November 12–14, 2020 | Held online from Kyoto, Japan
Organising Committee
The Conference Programme Committee is composed of distinguished academics who are experts in their fields. Conference Programme Committee members may also be members of IAFOR's International Academic Board. The Organising Committee is responsible for nominating and vetting Keynote and Featured Speakers; developing the conference programme, including special workshops, panels, targeted sessions, and so forth; event outreach and promotion; recommending and attracting future Conference Programme Committee members; working with IAFOR to select PhD students and early career academics for IAFOR-funded grants and scholarships; and overseeing the reviewing of abstracts submitted to the conference.
Nasya BahfenLa Trobe University, Australia
Joseph HaldaneThe International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Japan
Bradley J. HammMedill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, USA
Virgil HawkinsOsaka University, Japan
Celia LamUniversity of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), China
Timothy W. PollockOsaka Kyoiku University & Hagoromo University of International Studies, Japan
Paul SpicerHokkaido University, Japan
Gary E. SwansonUniversity of Northern Colorado, USA (fmr.)
MediAsia2020 & KAMC2020 Review Committee
- Professor Azza Ahmed, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
- Professor Neuda Alves Do Lago, Federal University of Goias, Brazil
- Dr Aviini Ashikho, Symbiosis Center for Media and Communication- Symbiosis International (Deemed) University, Pune, India
- Professor William Kunz, University of Washington Tacoma, United States
- Dr Niall McMahon, Monash University, Australia
- Dr Michael Ogden, Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
- Dr Rachna Sharma, Lady Shri Ram College For Women, University of Delhi, India
- Professor Amiee Shelton, Roger Williams University, United States
- Dr Paul Spicer, Hiroshima Jogakuin University, Japan
- Professor Gary E. Swanson, University of Northern Colorado, United States
- Dr Suranti Trisnawati, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Dr Cedric van Eenoo, United States